Do you think dealing with customers and clients is easy?


VIP Contributor
The fact that we call our business patronizes customers and client does not mean that they do not have feeling and thoughts as well . In as much as a business is concerned the business owner managing and operating the facilitation of a particular business totally has a lot of work and physical involvement to do with his customers and clients . Handling customers and clients in a business organisation is definitely not an easy task because some customers and clients despite the fact that a particular business organisation has a cool-headed and positive minded customer service they still tend to get unsatisfied and sometimes overreact and retaliate . A good example is when a business owner unknowingly answers to the request of a particular business customer or client who possibly come late , thereby neglecting the many present customers and client who were there to get their requests satisfied . In such situation the neglected customers and clients are more likely to flare up in anger and mistrust claim that the business organisation practice partiality and the business code of first-come-first-served is not abide to in the business organisation .

Sometimes getting them to feel okay and calmed down may not be very easy and sometimes you may end up losing their trust and their loyalty . In situations like this you are only permitted to be your best to make them see reasons on why a particular action is being taken , but if still they continue retaliating , you should for no reason join in the retaliation .


Valued Contributor
I think dealing with clients is both hard and easy and all may depend on both you and the client.
Some people are naturally impolite and there is no way that you can give out something you do not have. So they can never be polite to you or even just be neutral but will always instigate and anger in you due to their impolite and coercive behavior.
It all depends on you in this case and your temperament. Some may just burst out as well as you see that is not a situation that should be. But I think speaking on a broad base, handling clients is not very easy and it needs much patience and a good anger management ability because you will be coming across many people with different attitudes and disposition and others may be cool while others won't be nice at all. All the same, maintain a good disposition on you side.


Valued Contributor
I think that dealing with customers and clients is not easy. It is very difficult to satisfy them because some of them may be very demanding. You must always be polite and patient with them, not neglect them but serve their needs otherwise you may lose them. It is important to be a true professional in order to keep your customers and your business as well.


VIP Contributor
Dealing with customers and clients is never easy and to some extent but the client and the customers are definitely the cause of some problems and issues that may possibly go on in a business organisation . You cannot be a rude and impolite business owner and expect your customers and clients to submit to your business organisation so that you can win their loyalty and trust , we must understand that there is absolutely no one that loves to be pushed out of their will or forced to do something they would not do so in other words you cannot force your customers and clients to patronize you when you have a bad and questionable character or behaviour .

The customers and clients on the other hand should be very considerate when patronizing a particular business organisation they shouldn't carry out activities that could stir up confusion and distress within the business organisation that possibly could lead to harboring resentment among customers and clients . When everyone do their part that is both the customers clients and also their business owner they will seem to be a maintained peaceful coexistence of business practices within and outside the business organisation .