Do this if you want to find a satisfying job


Valued Contributor
Satisfaction may come in various contexts but In this thread, the context of satisfaction is in the aspect of being contented and having the feeling of achievement in the job and career that you are into.

In order to achieve that, there is a single trick I discovered on how to know this. Keeping money and other things aside and focusing on just the inner satisfaction you will get, then to choose what you want to do, ask yourself this singular question;

If there was no money and other material things that I'll derive from it, what will I love to do?

This is the simple question whose answer will point to you the kind of job you need to get the feeling and inner satisfaction. When all other things such as money and other factors are placed aside, your passion will influence your answer.
It is good to find a job you love so as to avoid getting fed up and losing interest in your job.


Do this if you want to find a satisfying job:

1. Assess your skills, interests, and values.

2. Research different industries and job roles that align with your strengths and passions.

3. Network with people in your desired field and gain relevant experience through internships or volunteer work.

4. Tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job and company you are applying for.
Prepare for and practice interviewing.

5. Be open to considering job opportunities that may not have been your first choice but align with your skills and values.

6. Keep in mind that finding a satisfying job may take time and require patience, but don't give up on your search.