Determining the time to start collecting social security benefit


Deciding when to start collecting Social Security benefits is a big decision that can have long-term financial implications. It's important to consider your individual circumstances and weigh the pros and cons of different options before making a choice.

One factor to consider is your current age. Generally, you can begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits at age 62, but if you wait until full retirement age (which varies depending on the year you were born) or later, you may receive larger monthly payments for life.

Your health should also be taken into account when deciding when to start collecting Social Security benefits. If you are in poor health or don't expect to live very long, it may make sense to begin taking payments sooner rather than later so that you can enjoy them while still alive. On the other hand, if your health is good and longevity runs in your family, waiting until full retirement age or beyond could result in more money over time due to delayed credits and cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs).

It's also important to think about how much money you need each month from Social Security income as well as any other sources of income such as pensions or investments. If these sources are not enough for basic living expenses like food and housing costs then it might be wise to start collecting earlier rather than later even though this will mean smaller monthly payments overall.

Finally, it's worth considering whether there are any tax implications associated with starting Social Security early versus waiting until full retirement age or beyond since taxes on benefits vary depending on total income level and filing status. Consulting with a financial advisor who specializes in social security planning can help provide clarity around this issue so that an informed decision can be made regarding timing of benefit collection based on individual needs and goals