Debt is bad for your Health


Valued Contributor
Debt is bad for your health.

If you have ever had a headache, had palpitations, been distressed, or know someone who complains beyond the accounts payable account, stay ready to act. The matter is serious. It could be the bad debt, for which you need to learn about the indications and treatment as early as possible.

I have met people who moved away from friends, and got separated, who fought with their family, lost their jobs, and worse, people who lost their health to debt. Just thinking about these people makes me almost sick from the table. Debt-related illnesses are usually those with an emotional background.
I would argue there is such thing as good debt. For example, the last 15 years of my working career interest rates have been super low, which has allowed me to build a good property portfolio. I think the key thing is education about what is good debt and what is bad debt.