Coronary heart disease (CAD)

What is coronary heat disease: coronary heart disease is a medical condition where by the supply of blood from the heart is blocked or reduced. Coronary heart disease or CHD occurs when the heart finds it difficult to pump blood due to plaque that builds up in the heat muscle. These plaque can be cholesterol, fatty materials, cellular waste, calcium, etc. CHD is a deadly disease and at such it has killed millions of people worldwide.

Symptoms of coronary heart disease (CHD): here are some of the symptoms one might experience with CAD:

1. Patients feels pain on the chest
2. Reduced breath or shortness of breath
3. Heart failure
4. Heart attack
5. Feeling of extreme tiredness or weekness
6. Irregular heartbeat

What can be done to reduce the risk of having coronary heart disease:
In order to prevent coronary heart disease, you should always be on a healthy diet and exercise regularly. An aerobic exercise of 30 minutes to an hour is medically ideal to reduce the risk of having coronary heart disease. Quitting smoking can also help in reducing the risks of having CAD, smoking destroys the lungs and isn't good in any way in ones health. You should also try to go for medical check-up so as to start early treatments if you've been diagnosed with CAD.