Closing The gap Between Customers and Firm's


VIP Contributor
The gap between customers' expectations and the firm's offerings is a fundamental problem in marketing. It is also one of the most important issues that a company has to solve in order to achieve long-term success. This is because if you can't close this gap, your customers will leave and you will lose money. So how do you close this gap? What are some ways that companies can increase their customer satisfaction and loyalty?

The answer lies in providing exceptional customer service, which includes creating an exceptional customer experience (CX). A good CX helps to bridge the gap between customers' expectations and the firm's offerings by providing them with exactly what they want: timely responses, clear communication, fast processing, etc.

Every consumer, whether it's a consumer or a business customer, has certain expectations about how they want to be treated and what they want to get from the organization. The challenge for any firm is to close the gap between customer expectations and their offerings.

If you're a small business owner, you may not be able to afford customer surveys or focus groups. But there are other ways of finding out what your customers think about your products and services. Here are some ideas:

Use social media tools such as Facebook and LinkedIn to ask questions, get feedback, and share information with existing customers.

Ask customers who have just bought something from you what they think of it; then follow up by asking them if they'd recommend it to someone else.

Use email newsletters, blogs and similar communication tools to communicate with customers regularly and keep them updated on new developments in your business.


VIP Contributor
Surely! Customers want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to feel like they're part of a movement and that they're supporting a company that is making a difference in the world.The best way to do this is by giving customers an opportunity to contribute to your brand. Whether it's through social media, crowdsourcing or another form of engagement, customers should have a say in what happens with your brand.

See 10 ways you can close the gap between customers' expectations and your offerings.

1. Create an aspirational brand image

2. Offer high-quality products at affordable prices

3. Provide great customer service and support

4. Be transparent about business operations and policies

5. Deliver on promises made to customers

6. Give customers an opportunity to participate in brand development activities

7. Share information about the company — its mission and values, its history, its culture — with employees and others who represent it publicly (salespeople, contractors) as well as with customers/clients/consumers directly through social media channels such as Facebook or Twitter (or both) so they have an accurate understanding of who you are as a company before doing business with you or even buying from you.