Change Your Salt Intake After Understanding Sodium Requirements


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If you're looking to change your salt intake, and you're already following a healthy diet, it's probably not the best idea to cut back on the amount of sodium you consume. But if you've been eating too many processed foods and other sodium-rich foods, or if you just don't realize how much salt is in the foods you eat (and how much sodium is in those foods), then I got some good news for you: You can actually eat more salt than what most people do!

Sodium is an important part of our diets because it helps with blood pressure regulation and helps muscles contract. When we get too little sodium, our bodies try to compensate by increasing blood pressure which can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and stroke. However, too much salt can also result in excessive blood pressure. So while cutting back on salt may sound like a good idea, it doesn't have to mean giving up your favorite salty snacks. Instead, try adding more yogurt or avocado to your diet. they're both rich sources of potassium which can help regulate blood pressure levels naturally.