Challenges of Facebook advertising


VIP Contributor
Advertising on Facebook just like every other platform comes with some challenges. If you are able to overcome some of these challenges you are probably going to get the best possible result with your advertising campaign.

One of the challenges people face when they want to advertise on Facebook is ad saturation. Ad saturation is something that you must try as much as possible to overcome if you want to get the best possible result.

There are a lot of people who advertise on Facebook a daily basis and I think the estimation is about 10 million advertisers. Imagine yourself competing with 10 million advertisers daily on the platform. You'll probably not stand a chance if it is not compelling and convincing enough.

So you must learn how to advertise work to overcome this limitation.

Another major challenge a lot of people face when they want to advertise on Facebook is the cost of ads. it actually takes some reasonable amount of money for you to be able to reach a lot of people in order to be able to get the best possible results on Facebook.
This is the major challenge people first.

Another challenge people face when they want to advertise on Facebook is ad limitation. There are some limitations on Facebook because of some policies which may be due to geographical location. So it is important you put these things into consideration before carrying out your advertising campaign on Facebook.