Causes of chest pain


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Chest pain can also be caused by excess drinking of cold water which causes indigestion


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When you have cancer of the lung or cancer of the heart it can cause health problems which can endanger the well being of that person


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Chronic cough can also cause chest pain that is why it is important to use medicine before the cough case get worse so as to prevent chest pain


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All what you listed are the likely causes of chest pain so by preventing those diseases we can prevent chest pain as well


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Being dehydrated can also cause chest pain so we should make sure we drink enough water daily at least like 6 glasses of water


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Chest pain is caused by some health issues like heart attack or cancer


Verified member
We have different causes of chest pain
1. Muscle strain
Inflammation of the muscles and tendons around the ribs can result in persistent Chest pain
2. Asthma
Asthma is a common breathing disorder characterized by inflammation in the airways, which can cause chest pain
3. Collapses lungs
When air builds up in the space between the lungs and ribs a lung can collapse, causing sudden chest pain when breathing
4. Panic attack
A panic attack can also cause chest pain in addition to to nausea, sweating, ,rapid heart beat and fear
5. Pneumonia can also cause sharp or stabbing chest pain.other symptoms of pneumonia include fever, coughing and chills.
6. Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis bacteria growing in the lungs can cause symptoms such as bad cough, coughing of blood or pain in the chest.


Active member
Problem in the lung do cause chest pain or when you are experiencing indigestion


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Chest pain can be cause by heart attack and can be cure by red apple buy red apple cut into pieces and boil with cup of water for 10 minutes and drink the water and eat the apple which have turn to alkaline water

Rumaisa Adeel

Active member
Chest pain may be caused by angina or a heart attack. Other causes of chest pain can include indigestion, reflux, muscle strain, inflammation in the rib joints near the breastbone, and shingles. If in doubt about the cause of your chest pain, call an ambulance.


Verified member
Different types of things can cause chest pain
When you work too much you can have chest pain in A way that you start to vomit blood and also feel if you feel like this you should go to the doctor because it might get worse if you don't go


Active member
Different kinds of things causes chest pain but as long we know the causes we will be able to know the Preventions as well


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Chest pain can also be caused by indigestion of too much cholesterol


VIP Contributor
Lung collapse rarely happen but it is also a factor that can causes chest pain. The most popular causes of chest pain is pneumonia and angina but all these things are things you really need to consult your medical personnel to diagnose the real causes as most chest pain can be a symptom of heart attack or something serious.


VIP Contributor
There are several causes of chest pain as highlighted by the poster. And for the layman who doesn't even have much knowledge on what the poster said, the common causes of chest pain is bad sleeping posture, we should avoid sleeping with chest. We should avoid taking cold water most time