Can you make money online by writing short stories?

Adriana Jaycie

Active member
Yes, it is possible to make money by writing short stories online. There are various platforms and websites that offer opportunities for writers to sell their short stories or participate in contests with cash prizes. Additionally, some online magazines and literary journals pay authors for their submissions. While the earnings may vary, with dedication and talent, it is definitely possible to generate income from writing short stories online. Ways to make money writing short stories online:

1. Exploring different platforms and websites: Discuss the various online platforms and websites that offer opportunities for writers to sell their short stories, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Smashwords, or Wattpad. Explain how these platforms work and the potential income they can generate.

2. Participating in writing contests: Talk about the numerous writing contests available online that provide cash prizes for winning entries. Highlight popular competitions like The Short Story Project Contest or Writer's Digest Short Short Story Competition, discussing their entry requirements, deadlines, and potential rewards.

3. Collaborating with literary magazines and journals: Provide information on how writers can submit their short stories to online literary magazines or journals that pay authors for their work. Give examples of well-known publications like Granta or One Story Magazine and discuss the submission process and payment structure.

4. Building an audience through self-publishing: Describe how writers can create a loyal readership by self-publishing collections of short stories through platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Kobo Writing Life. Share tips on effective book marketing strategies to maximise sales potential.

5. Creating a personal website or blog: Encourage writers to establish an online presence by creating a personal website or blog where they can showcase their short stories and engage with readers directly. Emphasise the importance of regular updates, engaging content, and ways to monetize their site through advertising or affiliate marketing programmes.

6. Utilising social media platforms: Advise writers to leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote their short story collections. Encourage them to consistently share excerpts and behind-the-scenes content and interact with their audience to build a loyal following.

7. Collaborating with other authors: Suggest writers collaborate with other authors in their genre to cross-promote each other's work. This can be done through joint author interviews, guest blog posts, or even co-authoring a short story collection. By combining their audiences, they can reach a wider pool of potential readers.

8. Participating in writing contests and literary festivals: Recommend writers to submit their short stories to writing contests or literary magazines, as winning or being published can enhance their credibility and visibility. Additionally, attending or participating in literary festivals and book fairs can provide opportunities for networking and connecting with both readers and industry professionals.

9. Building an email list: Urge writers to collect email addresses from readers who are interested in their work. This allows them to directly communicate with their audience and inform them about new releases, promotions, or exclusive content. Offering a free short story or a discount on their collection in exchange for signing up can help incentivize readers to join the list.

10. Encouraging reader reviews and word-of-mouth marketing: Remind writers about the power of positive reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations. Encourage them to actively seek reviews from readers and engage with them by responding to comments or messages. Additionally, offering incentives such as giveaways or exclusive content to encourage readers to share their work with others can help generate organic buzz and expand their readership.

While offering incentives can help generate initial interest, relying solely on reader reviews and word-of-mouth marketing may not be enough to sustain long-term growth and success. This can ultimately lead to increased book sales and a growing fan base.