General insurance Can You Insure Drones?


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Drone is one of the latest invention which has made it easy for the photographers to take a real photo and to record facility videos.

Dream make it pretty much easier to do security surveillance over a wide area. Some parents are also buying drones for their kids as a toy for them.

The security outfit often used to track a person they are suspecting off doing illegal things and record video with it.

Drones are easy to operate and doesn't require much expertise to do most of the things on it.

However, drones are very expensive to acquire if you want the one that will do most of the work.

Drones can be classified as a valuable property if you have one because of the price. so I want to ask that can someone insure drone only?


Valued Contributor
If it is worth insuring and you rightfully own the drone I do not see any reason why you can’t insure it. I know might sound like it is not necessary to go through all the stress just to insure a drone but it depends how much or how valuable the drone means to you


Valued Contributor
Most drones are very expensive and they are also assets , so you could insure them against any form of incident that might occur , but based on my logic is better not to insure it considering the premium you would be paying which is already enough to buy new dron