General insurance Can You Insure Bee Hives?


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Honeys are produce from honey hive. It one of the ways farmer makes money. When you have beehives in your farm, it is very certain that you are going to have regular supply of money for you and your family.

I have an uncle who have a big honey hives and produces honey in commercial quantity. Different people comes to his house to buy pure honey from him.

This honey hive brings residual income for him on regular basis. He usually give me honey anytime I pay him a visit.

We had discussion one a day where someone came to his farm to steal some of the honey and set the Hive on blaze.

My uncle recorded some lost at that time but it is not much. So I want to ask that can someone insure bee hive? Thanks in advance.
Insuring a beehive will be like insuring a company. To do that, I think the Beehive must be a registered company and must have met some requirements worthy to be insured. So there is every possibility that beehive can be insured. I have some friends who are into beekeeping but none of them has said something of such.
Yeah you should be able to insure a bee hives if you legally own the bee hive and it is precious to you. I think this depends on what you use the bee hives for. If you use it as a means of livelihood then this is a business property of yours and it is advisable to go for a business insurance