Can money have a negative effect on people?

Yes money can have a negative effect on people in the following ways:

1. Money makes people fake their true character: the more tons of money you have the more number of fake friends/people around you. You tend to have a lot of fake people around, people who just speak it's just to get something from you.

2. Pride: one of the negative effects of having money/riches is pride. people in this category thinks they are better than everyone else. with pride, one might develop arrogance and Hash tone of talking.

3. Wanting to make more than enough: some people are never satisfied with the amount of money they make. People are too obsessed with money which drives them into doing bad things for their own financial gain. People becomes too greedy and doesn't want to open a part for others to make money.

4. Competition: this is what we see in today's world, rich people who are obsessed with gaining materialistic things things the more expensive and up-to-date cars/gadgets you own, the more you gain attention and respect from your competitors.

5. Oppressing the poor: people who have money then to buy properties, lands and even companies that they can't even manage, they oppressed the poor and homeless people and even behave naive towards them. A rich man can buy respect, but this will not last long. being humble rich and helping others is the best favour that can be done by any rich person in the world.

6. Money can cause betrayal: yes, be careful of who you call "friend", your friend can betray you over $100 note, money breaks friendship and cause any meat is between you and your friends or even your relation.

I tried to keep this write up as short as possible do well to add more and tell us the negative effects money has impacted on people.
Money will have a negative impact on someone who has lot of money beyond their control. Money has a way of bringing out the real characters in everyone especially the people with poor mentality.

The reason is that their brain context cannot hold on the amount of money they have. Picture it this way, a cup will be over filled with water and slip away when you pour from bigger source. That is the case with people that have poor mentality.

They will always see others as someone who can never make it in life. Such people will become arrogant and never respect the elders. They will see themselves better than others in all aspect of life.

That is the reason why you see some of the celebrities who doesn't have real source of income dishing out motivational quotes on social media platforms.

The sad thing is that other people will always hail this set of people. And this further boost their ego and become tyrants towards people. They prefer to spend the money lavishly rather than helping people.

The sad thing is that overtime they are going to lose all the entire wealth and return back to square because they don't have the capability to control the money. It is the money that controls them.
Money can have a negative effects on peoples life. Especially when you have that much love of money, it will lead u to start doing some evil things just to make sure u get that money by any means.
Some of this effects will show.

Your attitude toward people
People who got money, you will see them behaving different to people and even their mates just because they are not in the same level with him. Some will not even like to associate with the poor once.

Those who have money will want to make more and more. Human are selfish, no any amount of money that will satisfy human. So they will like to have more of it.

Rich people are always having that kind of pride and even if is their elder brother who is poor, they need respect from them of which is not supposed that way.

Money makes so many people to fake their characters and live a fake life in which is not helping in anyway or the other.
There is also this kind competition within the rich class people. High level of competition is existing in the sense that why ever one man do, that looks good to the others, then they will try by any means just for them to acquire that same thing or more than that.

Therefore money have so many negative impact on the life of human that if not maintain, will lead to hatred within them and also in the society.
Well if you think that this is always as a result of the fact that a person has money then people shouldn't consider financial independence as the most important thing in life , If truly money can leads to all these things then we should stop looking for money and we should all be satisfied with what we have.

What I am trying to say here is that it depends on individual because I have seen a lot of people who are really making so much money and they still try as much as possible to maintain their friendship with people they know. Sometimes you might think that they are proud but that is not true , the point is that when you have so much money you will likely meet people with higher rank and sometimes you may not likely be able to cope with people that are not in your standards.

You can't really sees Davido trying to associate with a poor man but he will always try to make sure he mets me with people that are within his ranks..

I believe perfectly that having so much money could result in having fakes friends but you still have to decide because it is possible to know.
Money can truly bring about so much negativity to people. The most common being that of which people become fake around you just because you have alot of money. There are so many instances that people in relationships have found out that their partner was only with them because of the money.

Another instance is that of people becoming robbers, thief's and murderers just for the money. This is so much evil that goes on which can make people loose their lives, get injured or loose everything they have.

I know people say that money is the root of all evil in the society but I don't believe so. You can have so much money but are not evil. At the same time, you can be very poor and not evil. I think the root of evil is people's characters and desires. This is what causes them to oppress the poor just because they have money. Or they kill and mistreat people just to get the money.

If only they could control their urges and build good characters, all these evils surrounding money would not be there.
Money can have a negative effect on people. It can make people more materialistic and greedy. Money makes people just want to get richer, but sometimes it makes them do something bad. People are able to buy anything that they want with money, but this can also lead to many problems in the long run.

Money can buy happiness, but only for a short time. People who have money tend to be happier because they don't have any worries about what is going to happen tomorrow or next year; however, if they don't use their money wisely, they could lose their happiness quickly.

If you have money, you might think you can solve all your problems. You may feel that having lots of money will allow you to live the life of your dreams and never have to work again. But in reality, having lots of money does not guarantee happiness or success; in fact, it can cause more problems than it solves!

The truth is that if someone has too much money, then he/she becomes very selfish and uses it for his/her own benefit instead of giving it away or helping others who need it more than him/herself does! This is why many rich people end up living alone instead of sharing their wealth with others who need
Your thread is very interesting and informative at the same time. Thank you for sharing it with us. I definitely agree with everything you mention in your thread. In my opinion, money is very important in life because we need money every day in order to survive. This is our modern world. However, money can have a negative effect on people and make them selfish and greedy. So, it is essential to realize that money is not everything and it cannot bring happiness. There are things in life that are more important than money like love, health and peace.
Yes,money can have negative effect on people,those that has so much money beyond their control,or those that has much money and thinks they has the right to oppress people now,or they can actually shit people up with money. Money is not everything,some people thinks that with money they can control the world,which is wrong.. when you have too much money,it brings greedy and pride, thinking you are above everyone. Having problem cn actually cause you more problems why because,you tend to have enemies both from fake friends, people around you and even family members.

some people may have money and when they have experience waht money gives,they won't hesitate to do whatever it will take just to keep having that money,some go as far as going in the diabolic way just to increase their wealth. Those who has money thinks it can buy true Love, which to me,it's wrong,yes people will pretend to love you but the real true love can never be bought with money.
Yes,money can have negative effect on people,those that has so much money beyond their control,or those that has much money and thinks they has the right to oppress people now,or they can actually shit people up with money. Money is not everything,some people thinks that with money they can control the world,which is wrong.. when you have too much money,it brings greedy and pride, thinking you are above everyone. Having problem cn actually cause you more problems why because,you tend to have enemies both from fake friends, people around you and even family members.

some people may have money and when they have experience waht money gives,they won't hesitate to do whatever it will take just to keep having that money,some go as far as going in the diabolic way just to increase their wealth. Those who has money thinks it can buy true Love, which to me,it's wrong,yes people will pretend to love you but the real true love can never be bought with money.
You are absolutely right. Money can have a negative effect on people. Some rich people think that with their money they can buy everything and that they can even oppress other people. Hope that one day they will realize that money is not everything and try to change their behaviour towards other people.
Indeed money can have a negative effect on people but that is possible if money get to the hands of wrong minded individuals who only use their money for influential purposes especially on those less privileged and less opportuned to enjoy the good things of life. Many rich and wealthy individuals have used their money to oppress the poor and some of them have caused others to go do errands for them which are considered to be an advisable and unsupported by law.

A good example can be explained in a situation where a particular individual was being issued the sum of 10 million naira just for him or her to go assassinate a particular person. Indeed the individual who is issuing the morning could be rich and wealthy and then the person who the money is been issued to could be a poor and less privileged individual and due to the fact that he or she has an increasing taste for money, he or she may no doubt be moved to go do the assignment or errand so as to get rewarded with a 10 million sum of money.