Can a website or blog really be hacked?


Verified member
Many people have complained that their site or blog was hacked and I wonder how the hackers achieve that without even getting the access code to the WordPress login or getting the cpanel logins they actually find a way to lock out the owner of the blog, some of the hackers even demand ransoms before they can give back the blog or website and I just wondered how hackers achieve that.

I heard some hackers comment on the blog with some codes which saves cookies in other to get the logins of the administrator but my question is that if the comment wasn't approved by the admin to be live on the website can the code still pick up cookies which can be used to get into the website.

I'll suggest that if you want to remove footer credits from a nulled theme or template then you should always download a backup your phone so that if anything goes wrong you can just restore everything from the backup
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