Can A Company Misuse An Employee's Bank Account?


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During the pandemic, I was struggling to get a job. Fortunately, I got a job at a place and the company always paid its employees through local bank transfer. I am a kind of person who does not like to create a bank account because I do not like to receive payments through banks. I mostly use local payment methods when it comes to collecting payments locally. However, my employers told me that the company only pays through bank transfer and there is no way I could receive payments through other ways. I found it strange, but I continued and gave my details so that the company could open a bank account for me. I left the job in the month of April and I received my last salary in the month of April this year. I am aware of the fact that it is company's bank account that was opened through my name and details. I do not know if the employer or company could misuse my accounts but I still fear. I will visit the local branch this week, but have there been cases where the employer or the company misused the bank account of the employee? Great suggestions/advice would be really welcomed by me. Thanks!

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