
Business partners respect regards have been written by me before, Due to the fact that i need to drive home my point, i will further re analyze.

Business are done with a view to boost economic well being and financial base either individually or corporately it is a means of generating income and for socio economic development of the society at large.

Business partners are those people that we do business with that without them our own objectives cannot be realized.

We need to show them due respect and regards as they can make or mar our business aspirations.

Being a manufacturer, our Key business partner are the wholesalers and key distributors. They are the ones that spread the evangelism of our business ideas to the other side, they distribute to a larger part . They have the right to schedule a meeting with us, they can decide to condemn our policies. They are our customers and customers are always right.

Being a wholesaler, our Key business partner are the retailers who distribute our goods or services to the final consumers,

They deserve our attention, we need to reciprocate the regards and respect they have for us by patronizing us.

We should not under play them, we should not disgrace them and we should not debase them

Business with unnecessary ego to the extent of demoralizing the key business partners may not likely succeed in the long run .