"Blog paw" it pays to share your opinion.


VIP Contributor
As the name implies this is a website or platform for bloggers, and even if you are not a blogger you stand a chance to end reasonable amount of money on this platform by sharing your opinions on the post that people have possibly posted or shared on the platform. This platform isn't necessarily a platform for writing articles and reports but most importantly it could be a platform where you only share your ideas. Minimum word collection for each opinion shared on this platform is just 200 to 250 words. The platform is definitely available on the Google app store on the Google Play store for both iOS and Android phone users. Method of getting your payment from this platform is via PayPal, skrill, and Paytm.

Each words of opinion rewards you nothing less than $5 to $10 and so imagine if you share opinions 400 content in a day, that will definitely be a very reasonable amount of money. Interestingly this platform except two users and members in all regions and countries of the world and so you do not have to worry even for a little bit, on how you would make money on this platform because it is totally universal. Main niches to share your opinions on this platform include: sports, entertainments, marriage, relationship, money, debt reduction, retirement planning, and governance.
Just for sharing my opinions, I get paid. And I am not restricted to a particular number of opinions I can share. That is a good prospect for me that loves to share opinions. I love the fact that they offer a variety of options for writers to get their payment. PayPal restrictions have locked out so many people that are very good and would have earned online. That's why I love that site you just shared.

If I am to be on this site, I would be dropping opinions on relationships and marriage every time. That's my favourite area of discourse. And I am sure so many people would tilt towards that niche because things that have to do with love affects us all. I also love the fact that it also has niches of finances. I love the fact that the number of words on the site is few.