Bitcoins Future Is Bright


New member
A little bit about Bitcoins future. Hope this will be helpful for those who are new at cryptocurrencies.

# When Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin he put its supply at 21 Million. And already 19 million Bitcoin has been mined. For this limited supply the purchasing power will increase day by day. Bitcoin follows the low of supply and demand. when the demand for Bitcoin increases, the price increases. Now Bitcoin is accepted as currency in many places. From donating to a church to buying a Lamborghini, everything can now be done with Bitcoin. That means its acceptance is slowly increasing. And its good for Bitcoin.

# Bitcoin follows gold. Like Gold has limited supply on earth and its becomes harder harder to mine new gold. This is why gold has been able to retain its value for more then 6000 year's. And same as gold Bitcoin mining will be harder then before because of the halving event. And If we look at the previous chart of Bitcoin, we can see after each halving event bitcoin break its previous high. So it is expected that bitcoin will break its previous high again after the next ( May 4 , 2024 ) halving event.

# We moved from using Web 1.0 technology to Web 2.0 technology. Still using Web 2.0 technology. The biggest advantage or feature of Web 3.0 is the integration of Blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is all about cryptocurrency in the transaction process. So the future of Bitcoin is bright.

Even if the market is in a bad state right now, it will be okay.