Best Tips for Having a Successful Garage Sale


Garage sales can be a great way to declutter and earn extra cash. Follow these tips to ensure your garage sale is well-attended and profitable:

Choose the Right Date

Weekends during spring and summer are ideal. Avoid holiday weekends that could conflict with travel plans.

Advertise Thoroughly

Post signs, run classified ads, and list the sale on Craigslist, Nextdoor and Facebook Marketplace.

Price Attractively

Use sticker prices at $1-$3 for common items. Price higher value items competitively but leave room to negotiate.

Merchandise Strategically

Arrange items neatly by category. Keep walkways clear. Highlight unique vintage pieces.

Prep and Display

Clean items. Fold clothes neatly. Group like items on tables. Hang clothing racks for browsing.

Stock Up on Supplies

Have cash boxes, bags, plastic wrap for food items, price stickers, shade tents, and power cords.

Manage Early Birds

Let serious buyers preview an hour early at a slightly higher admission fee.

Refresh Inventory

Replenish picked over tables to keep shoppers engaged. Have boxes of extra stock ready.

Offer Food/Drinks

Coffee, lemonade, baked goods for sale add convenience and create a fun atmosphere.

With the right groundwork, an intriguing inventory and a bit of luck leveraging good weather and crowds, your garage sale can be a big hit and moneymaker.