Best And Worst Seasonal Jobs


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Seasonal jobs are great because they allow you to earn extra money in a flexible manner. However, we all know that not all seasonal jobs are rosy; in fact, there are jobs that should probably be avoided because they rank very low on the quality scale.

There are a few factors that are considered when determining how good or bad a seasonal job is. Some of the factors are pay, working conditions and the terms. The best jobs are those that come with good terms and pay well. Working environment must also be suitable and inviting. Having said this, the following is an insight into some of the best and worst seasonal jobs.

The Best Seasonal Jobs

Sales Clerk

Working as a sales clerk at a retail store is one of the most rewarding jobs. Not only will you get excellent discounts for your own shopping, you will also most likely get a full-time job eventually. Every holiday season, over half a million retail sales clerk jobs are available. In this light, the prospects here are worthwhile.

Santa Claus

Dressing up as Santa is one of the most lucrative seasonal jobs that you can take. Apart from being the star of the season, a Santa can be paid up to $100 every hour. And since there is no Christmas without Santa, this job is always in high demand. Therefore, start preparing and be a top Santa.

Package Delivery Worker

This is yet another great seasonal job that you can get easily. In fact, statistics from FedEx and UPS state that the number of jobs available seasonally is over 20,000. In other words, you can get a fair pay by delivering packages as desired. The holiday season comes with a huge boom for such delivery and to ensure promptness, these delivery companies will always hire seasonal staff to realize the tasks.

Food Server

Because of the high demand for restaurant food during the holiday season, food servers will have lots to do. In fact, nearly half of all part-time positions are in the food industry. Apart from the fair pay, you will be well fed! Consider other jobs like candy making which is also a favorite for many.

The Worst Seasonal Jobs

Christmas Tree Lot Attendant

There are two main reasons why this job is one of the worst you can ever undertake. First, you are subjected to elements like wind, snow and rain while attending to the tree buyers. Another reason is that it pays not more than $12 per hour. However, the one good factor is that there are tips to go around.

Santa’s Elf

Being an elf will only earn you a minimum wage. For this reason, high school students will be competing for such jobs. It is definitely a less glamorous task compared to the prowess of Santa. All in all, you will not get the most out of your time and it ranks very low where seasonal jobs are concerned.

Taxi Driver

This is one of the most challenging jobs because it is known for being prone to a very high crime rate. Additionally, it pays no more than $10 per hour. It is also a stressful job that involves a lot of pressure from clients. It is therefore not your best option unless you absolutely love driving. Going for better rated seasonal jobs is generally in order.

There are many other jobs that rank best and worst. However, if you have mastered a certain area and are comfortable with the disadvantages, it is perfectly fine to make your own decision on what job is the best or worst.​