Benefits of bitter leaf


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Bitter leaf helps to cure certain cancers and it also helps to reduce the cholesterol in the body


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Bitter leaf really helps a lot in our health it's helps to cure so many things in the body and also helps to boost our immune system


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bitter leaf helps regulate high blood pressure and it also make us healthy because of the way it cures diseases and infection in the body


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when we are talking about bitter leaf it helps to cure all these abdominal pain or infections in the body and it is also good for curing some certain diseases in the body


VIP Contributor
There was a time i cultivated the habit of eating bitter leaf at least once in every two weeks having known its usefulness. Then it cured all the sickness I may be having and even prevent any ailment that may likely occur during the moments. It will take years to exhaust the benefits of bitter leaf.


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If we have this in America, I'm not sure what it is called. Information I have read said that it is a plant of African origin and it has numerous health benefits. But I also cam across information advising to be careful about excessive use of the bitter leaf juice. Evidently it also has bad side effects and can lead to heart problems.


Verified member
Herbs naturally is very good for the people because it is used to cure different types of disease and infection.herb helps us to cure cancer and it also helps those people that wants to reduce thier weight.bitter leaf helps to reduce high blood pressure and also serve as drug to adults.


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Bitter leaf is good for the health as it helps in curing diseases


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1. Bitter leaf helps in weight loss by helping to burn all the bad cholesterol in the body and also helps to reduce the calories in our body
2. It also reduces the risk of cancer by boosting the immune system and inhibiting tumor growth which helps to prevent the development of cancer cells
3. It reduces the rate of high blood pressure because of the bitterness in the bitter leaf which helps in lowering our sugar level and also controls the blood pressure
4. Bitter leaf contains potassium which is good for hypertension
5. Bitter leaf helps to cure stomach upset, dysentery, gastrointestinal tract disease and even diarrhea
6. Bitter leaf also helps in the reproductive system of women by boosting their immune system


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Bitter leaf has always been helpful to me because of the way it helps to cure stomach ache that is why I have it at home

Rumaisa Adeel

Active member
1. Bitter leaf helps relieve stomach aches
2. It may help protect against prostate cancer
3 . The plant may enhance fertility


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Bitter leaf have always been used to cure series of diseases and infections and it does not have a side effect as long as you did not drink it too much


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Bitter leave is very good for hormonal inbalance to boost your hormonal imbalance bitter leave is very good to make it complete your fsh lh prolactin and Progesterone


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If obese or over weight you can drink bitter leaf juice as it helps to reduce the cholesterol in the body


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I always make sure I have bitter leaf at home as it helps to cure minor diseases at home most especially the stomach ache part


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Bitter leaf helps in so many ways most especially in curing minor infections at home like headaches and stomach aches


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Bitter leaf helps to cure numerous diseases in the body and it also helps o cure infections or bacteria


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Bitter leaf is a well known vegetable in all over the planet. It is known by everybody even a toddler. Bitter leaf can be grow any where and not necessary a garden because it is a homely plant. Bitter leaf are medicinal and are healthy for human body. They can be used as a medicine. Bitter leaf are good for human body, they helps to tone the vital organs of the body, most especially the largest organ in the body. Bitter leaf, are green in colour just like any other veggies. Bitter leaf are known for it's high iron content.

Generally, The benefits of bitter leaves to human health are more than what we know. Some of the benefits of bitter leaf are;
1. Consuming bitter leaf be it as a juice or vegetable can reduce the risk of breast cancer in human. This is due to their medicinal properties.

2. Bitter leaf can also reduce cholesterol in human body which in turn helps reduce some risk factors that are associated with Stroke, Heart Attack and other related diseases

3. Bitter leaf also aids digestion

4. They helps to cleanse the human body, also helps in maintaining the liver and kidneys

5. Bitter leaf when taking as a drink is a great way to detoxify the body from harmful toxins and substances.


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Bitter leaf is a plant that is rich in alot of health benefits, it is known for its thick bitter taste and alot of people avoid it because of that taste. The leaf has been used as a treatment for many ailments from malaria, typhoid, diabetes, diarrhea, tuberculosis, gallstones and kidney disease, it prevents cancer and lowers hypertension.

Bitter leaf have components that burns bad fat from the body and eliminates bad cholesterol and burns down calories. It helps to bring down excessive weight in human beings. It contains numerous anti-cancer properties, can boost the immune system, inhibit tumor growth and prevent the development of cancer cells.

The bitter taste in bitter leaf is also one of the richest part of it, it has a whole lot of health benefits, it can be processed into juice, it helps to lower blood sugar level and controls hypertension. The juice of bitter leaf also helps to relieve stomach ache. applying bitter leaf juice to a part of one’s skin that is affected by rashes, eczema, ringworm or any other skin disease. The leaf can also be consumed to treat fever, feverish condition, joint aches, different levels of intestinal complaints, stomach ache, as well as parasite induced disease like malaria.