Benefits of being jouvial and generous at work

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Hostility has never ever been listed among the characters that are good and expected from people who are and claim to be nice. Rather, a person is expected to have the openness to relate with people and do so generously without being harsh or being hostile.

So why must I be jouvial and generous and what do I derive as gain by displaying such characters especially at work place?

✓ When you are able to interact with people generously, you get to know people better and relate on their terms. This helps in making sure that conflicts do not arise at work place since everyone knows the other person and they are able to respect each other's nature and characters.

✓ You will get more people on your positive side and this will give you an advantage even when it comes to getting an offer such as a promotion or any similar things. No one will oppose your progress because of your generosity.
Everywhere a person finds his/herself, that person should strive to build good relationships. And these good relationships can be built by being jovial and friendly. It doesn't cost anything to be nice. It doesn't take away money from your account or make you less of a human being. As much as possible, try and put on a smile on your face.

The question is "if you leave your place of work today, who will miss you"? If as a person, you are not friendly, no one would recommend you for something in f future. I try as much as I can to maintain good relationships everywhere I have worked. Even with bosses that were not too nice to me, I try to stay jovial with them. No one wants a toxic person around.