Backend-Frontend interaction


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Backend-Frontend interaction

The 'front end' of a website is everything you see when you visit it through your browser.
The backend, on the other hand, is made up of all the components and operations of a website that aren't visible to the user, such as code and database communications that take place on the server.
How do the frontend and backend communicate with each other, though, because they are two independent environments?
Frontend-backend communication is defined by two main technologies.

HTTP communication

This is the conventional means of communication between the frontend and backend. In this example, the frontend, which is the browser, sends an HTTP request to the server, which then responds with the requested information. The database is generally searched for pertinent information during server-side communication.
Repeated HTTP queries, on the other hand, can be time demanding. As a result, programmers have designed a new client-server communication model.

AJAX communication

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, and it's a client-server communication technology that aims to speed up interactions.
Each time a server communication occurs in AJAX, the entire webpage is not reloaded. Instead, only the reloadable component of the webpage is updated asynchronously using XML. Of course, JSON messages are now widely used.