Attributes to a good organisational employee.


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Employees and workers are expected to do their best in the business organisation they possibly work for. Goals and objectives in a business organisation cannot be achieved if the business or organisational employees and workers are not doing their best or are not playing their part in achieving this goals and objectives. For a business employee or worker to be considered diligent and good he or she must first of all be punctual to his or her work activities. And being punctual does not only means that he or she must be early to work commencement but instead he or she must endeavour to keep to date as to any business or organisational deal with clients and customers.

A good and diligent employee never question the authority of their employers and superior and even if they see something wrong in the decision of their employer or superior, they do not wrongfully step on their employers or superior supposed wrong decisions but instead they politely recommend their employee to a man in his or her decisions possibly by a raise of hand in a conference meeting or in an infield setting.