Are the mathematics we took in school applied in our careers?


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Back then in school, we were taken through complex mathematics like matrices, functions, polynomials, differential equations etc. I felt those mathematics were waste of time as they were not applicable in any career or profession. Looking back today, I have cause to believe that those complex mathematics were just brought in to the science students scheme of work to complicate things.

I studied Animal Science and I was compelled to do Ancillary Mathematics and in all my practice of my field of study, I have had no reason to solve any problem related to ancilliary mathematics. Nothing like maths at all related to my course.

My question is, "To what end exactly were we taught all those mathematics? Some people said it was designed to make us think fast. I already knew how to think fast even without their mathematics. Were those mathematics we were forced to take in school as science students worth it? How has it helped you in your career so far?