Are muscle relaxers good for back pain?


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Yes, muscle relaxers are very good for back pain treatment. It is safe and effective. Muscle relaxers temporarily block the pain sensation between the nerves and the brain and provide a calming effect to the brain. Therefore, it lets the brain feel less pain.
For sure. It's essential for all muscles groups. Try it everyday and you will see the results.
Muscle relaxers can be prescribed for short-term relief of acute back pain, but they should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. They may help with muscle spasms and promote temporary relaxation, but they do not address the underlying cause of the pain and can have side effects.
I used muscle relaxers for my back pain, and while they did provide immediate relief, it was only a short-term solution. The pain usually started again after a few days, even with mild physical activity.

Realizing this wasn't sustainable, I sought out help from registered physiotherapists. After about six sessions, I noticed a significant improvement. The physiotherapist worked with me on exercises and stretches tailored to my specific issues. Now, four months later, I'm still feeling good with no recurring back pain.
Muscle relaxers can indeed offer relief for back pain by calming the muscles and blocking pain signals. However, it's important to use them under medical supervision to ensure safety and effectiveness.
It is better to use a natural way to reduce back pain, for example, Wall Pilates, read more about it here . This will help your muscles, the main thing is to repeat it regularly so that the pain does not return.