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Guest Writer:
Webmasters sometimes need specific experts to create content for their websites. They might not know enough about a specific topic, or want to have someone else’s insight. If you’re an expert in any particular niche, you can make some excellent money by writing in and offering your wisdom.


For you to become a guest writer, here are some steps you can take:

> Make sure to establish yourself as an expert in your niche by making a presence in the websites and forums in your area of interest. Sometimes, people will just ask if you’re interested in creating content.

>After you’ve established a presence, you can also write to a website and forum owners and let them know what your expertise is and that you’d be interested in creating content for them should they be interested.

>When you get a writing job, make sure your content is written and submitted as early as possible. If you establish a good reputation, you can get references for other sites and hopefully end up writing for more.

How much can I make out of being a guest writer?

Depending on the length of the piece you create and the obscurity of the topic, you can make anywhere from $25 to $200 each time you write

Podcasting is similar to blogging, only you would do it via voice instead of typing. You would get the same benefits and approach it the same way (post regular content, etc.)… but it’s just a way to suit people who would rather learn via listening versus reading

>To get started with podcasting, you need a headphone, microphone, and software in which to record your audio.

>You can earn money with podcasting the same way you would with blogging – via advertisements Google AdSense and by recommending other programs that offer commissions.

For you to become a podcaster, here are some steps you can take

>Create a website with which to put podcasts on

> Record your content – you can use a free recording program such as Audacity if you don’t already have something

>Convert your recordings to mp3

> Upload your mp3 along with a description to your website

> Start sharing it!

> Get it converted into MP3 format

> Upload the mp3 on your site

>Add content as frequently as possible so that you build up a regular listener base.

>Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods (you can outsource a lot of this to Burn Your To-Do List if you don’t have the time or knowhow)

Online Counselor:
Many people like to go online for counseling instead of meeting people in person. They feel that they can be more anonymous this way, and they also have the convenience of not needing to drive anywhere.
If you have the ability to counsel people effectively, this could be a fun job for you. You do not need to have a special degree, although it would obviously give you a cutting edge.

For you to become an online counselor, here are some steps you can take:

> Create a website that discusses your qualifications and how you can help people. If you don’t have a degree or qualifications to prescribe anything to people, let them know. Some people just want to pay you so that you can listen to them and they can vent their frustrations. Just make sure not to overstep what you can legally do.

> Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods (you can outsource a lot of this to Burn Your To-Do List if you don’t have the time or knowhow).

> Start building up your customer base. Do a great job, implement word-of-mouth referral programs, and start collecting testimonials from the people you help.

How much can I make out of being an online counselor?

>Depending on your skill level, you can make from $100-$200 an hour and upwards