Advertising on Adsense drawbacks comparing to other companies


Valued Contributor
From several trials, I find advertising a blog or website on Adsense has a lot of drawbacks compared to other networks of advertising.
The first is you cannot do monetization by Google Adwords ads and using Google Adsense at the same time so you have either to earn from Google Adwords or be an advertiser by Google Adsense.
The second is some kinds of advertising networks couldn't be used as Mellow Ads or Propeller Ads or A-ads as Google Adsense is analyzing your website and if he founds some competitive companies then the ad may be suspended from the display.
The third is the high CPC click with no results before spending a lot of money. Sometimes CPC click could reach 0,32 $ in some cases which is a fortune if you have few sales on your blog.
Adsense is a great product, but there are a few drawbacks to using it over some of the more popular options.
First, Adsense caters to more than one industry, which means that your ad will only be placed in sites that have to do with the same kind of industry as yours. For example, you will not be able to advertise on a cooking site if your company makes cars.

Second, ads are displayed randomly and there is no guarantee that your ad will be seen by people who are interested in it or even see it at all.

Third, Adsense also has its own set of rules and requirements that must be followed by advertisers before their ads can be approved for display. These include but are not limited to: The ad must be relevant to the content on the page where it will appear; the text must contain keywords related to the product being advertised; and the text must not have any offensive or inappropriate content. If these rules are not followed then Google can remove an ad from its system without notice.
These are few things I observed sometimes ago. I hope there has been an upgrade since then.