About real estate

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Kevin M M

New member
My question is What is the difference between mortgagor and mortgagee in real estate?
From my understanding, this is more like a lender and the borrower, meaning one of them gives while the other receives. Just as we have the employer and the employees. The person who gives the money or lends the money out is known as the mortgagee, they lend out capital for the purpose of purchasing a property in real estate. While the receiver is called the mortgagor.
From my understanding, this is more like a lender and the borrower, meaning one of them gives while the other receives. Just as we have the employer and the employees. The person who gives the money or lends the money out is known as the mortgagee, they lend out capital for the purpose of purchasing a property in real estate. While the receiver is called the mortgagor.
Thanks for letting me know Eldavis
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