7 Causes of Cough in Children


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7 Causes of Cough in Children

Coughs in children are a common problem and can be caused by many things. If your child is coughing, it's best to see their doctor so that the underlying cause can be found and treated appropriately.

Here are the 7 Causes of Cough in Children:

1. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear their throat and lungs of mucus and other irritants.

2. Coughs are typically the result of an infection, colds, or allergies.

3. These infections can be bacterial or viral, but it is difficult to tell which is the cause without formal examination by a medical professional.

4. In rare cases, coughs can also be caused by environmental factors like secondary smoking and exposure to air pollution.

5.Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes. This often happens after a viral infection such as a cold.

6.Asthma is a condition that causes repeated episodes of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing.

7. Whooping cough (pertussis) is an infection that affects the airways and makes it hard to breathe.

If your child's cough persists and does not respond to home remedies, consult with a healthcare provider for treatment options.
They are some activities and practices that a human being can indulge or partake in a particular day that makes him to cough . it is understandable to cough when someone feel irritated or allergic to a particular food or circumstances . But it is important not to mistake a serious health issue coughing for a cough made when someone is allergic or irritated to something . Any cough that follows with chest pain , inability to speak well , swollen throat , cough with blood , and coughing with vomit etc should not be taken lightly . And an individual in such situation must endeavour to quickly see a doctor to harness the issue .

One of the major cause of coughing in children is as a result of contacting a cold flu or virus . That is why parents and guardians must endeavour that during a wet or cold season their children must be well clothed so as to avoid contacting a cold flu or virus . Coughing is sometimes considered to be a symptoms of a more serious illness like tuberculosis and diarrhoea . I need a case where your coffee is followed by blood or stooling , it is best advised to see a doctor or health analyst .