6 Ways to Keep Your Crypto Safe


Staff member
Cryptocurrency has a feature to transact quickly anywhere without the need for third party approval, Crypto can provide high security if we use it properly and correctly. but if crypto transactions are used carelessly it will invite big problems.

Basically every crypto user needs a way to keep Bitcoin safe. Here are some ways you can apply to keep your Bitcoin/crypto safe.

1. Be careful with online crypto storage services
Many crypto wallets and exchanges are unsafe or easily hacked, and some of them do not insure their assets. So you only store your crypto on hot wallets and crypto exchanges according to your needs, it's better if you keep most of your crypto in your hard wallet.

2. Phone Number for 2FA
Many hot wallets and crypto exchanges require two-factor authentication or 2FA by sending a code via SMS, hackers will easily hack this authentication code, so it's better if you are using an older model phone that can't access the internet.

3. Use a Special Email
Use a specific email address for each crypto wallet and exchange. Don't use the same email on social media accounts or other payment processors like PayPal.

4. Update Wallet Software
Updates are needed to improve stability and security as well as prevent new issues and possibly the addition of new features. But you need to update only from the official application or when you open the application either on a desktop, laptop or mobile.

5. Multiple signatures
You can also use a wallet that has a multi signature feature, so transactions can only be approved if 3 out of 5 signatures approve.

6. Testament
No one knows human age, people can die both young and old, so it will be necessary if you make a will that contains data to log in and access crypto wallets and exchanges and give them to the people you care about, both parents, siblings, wife, husband or child.

Those are some ways you can apply to keep your crypto safe, because if it's lost there's no way to get it back.
Try to use hardware wallets. This is the safest way to keep your cryptos. Unless you lse your hardware wallet, no body can steal the crypto stored on your hardware wallet. Hardware costs money and if you are looking for safe wallets that do not cost you money, you can use desktop wallet. You will have to download the wallet and secure your wallet with private keys. You can also use web or mobile wallets but you need to secure with strong password, 2FA as well as finger print (in the case of mobile wallet. You should never let anyone have access to your device.
It is better to use a wallet that does not hold any private keys or seed phrase for you like Coinbase, Coinpayments, Spectrocoin wallet address where security team is handling all of these staffs and what is required from you is just to receive crypto payment on one of these addresses. Because keep seed phrase could be compromised by keylogger or whatever kind of follow your activity by third malicious party as simple as that. Use trustwallet instead of metamask and wallet connect feature if required to connect a wallet as trustwallet doesn't hold any seed phrase or private key for you.