5 Simple Home Remedies For Headache Before You Pop A Pill


1. Take A Bath With Epsom Salts
Epsom salt contains magnesium which helps with muscle pain and tension headaches. To further calm you, you can also add a some drops of lavender oil to the water.

2. Drink Chamomile Tea

Chamomile contains chemicals that act as a natural decongestant, which will help prevent migraines and headaches.

3. Get Some Fresh Air

The fresh air can help open up your sinuses, which will help relieve your headache.

4. Steer Clear Of Caffeine

Caffeine can cause headaches in some people, so try to avoid it if you have a headache (or limit yourself to no more than two cups per day). If you do drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, opt for decaf instead so as not to add any extra caffeine into your body system when you’re already feeling under the weather!

5. Take An Aspirin Or Ibuprofen

Aspirin and ibuprofen both contain acetaminophen, which is a type of medicine used for pain relief and fever reduction, so they might be helpful if you have an actual headache and not just tension from working on a project all day long!


Valued Contributor
Thank you very much for your informative and helpful thread about the 5 simple home remedies for headaches. Headaches are so annoying. When you suffer from them, you cannot even concentrate. The truth is that I was looking for such remedies for headaches since I do not like taking pills. So far I have tried massaging my forehead to get rid of headaches. Sometimes this method really works. Now I will try the other methods you suggest as well and hope that they will work for me and for other people who suffer from headaches too.