5 reasons to consider using traditional marketing


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Even with the advent of digital marketing in this 21st century, the need for traditional marketing is still of essence. You would leaving money on the table if you would only focus on using digital marketing because of the trend. The following are the reasons to still consider using traditional marketing despite the trend.

  • With traditional marketing you would be able to reach larger people both in the urban and rural areas. So though it might be still crude but reaching more people is guaranteed.
  • The method of advertising is easily understood by everyone since it is very simple
  • Traditional advertising method can be used to reach almost all the target audiences especially those in the suburbs
  • Revisiting of your business by your customers is very possible. If the ads are in hard copies then they can be saved to be used repeatedly.
  • Some traditional advertising avenues need little to no money unlike the digital advertising that needs money.
Look into these outstanding benefits and see if you would fare better with traditional advertising before dumping it


VIP Contributor
Traditional marketing still serves an important purpose, and it will continue to do so for years to come. In fact, the trend of using both traditional and digital marketing simultaneously is expected to continue now and beyond.

There are many advantages of using traditional marketing in business:

-Companies can reach a wider audience through multiple channels.

-Marketers can collect valuable data about their target customers’ preferences and behaviors—which can then be used to optimize advertising campaigns in real time across multiple channels.

-It allows marketers access into deeper insights than ever before by taking advantage of all available data points (e.g., demographic information on demographics like age group or gender) about their target audiences."

Traditional marketing will always be a useful way to get the word out about your product or service. Some people are bored by television (or don't have access to it), some people don't listen to the radio, and some people delete all their emails without even looking at them. And even those who do read their email may not remember your email six months from now, when they've actually decided they need your product or service.


VIP Contributor
Yeah companies and businesses reaching a wider audience looks like the most outstanding for traditional advertising which is the best. when. once you can reach your target audience optimally then you can make your money since you would reaching a whole lot of people. Advertising is the way out for small business to grow just the way they should.


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Google has a lot of products, but it is basically an online advertising company. According to the data published by stastia, Google covers 28.6 percent of the total digital advertising. If Google is such a big company, you might be thinking Google does not have to advertise itself. However, that's not the case. In another report by Syastia, Google spent 260 million US dollars on TV ads in the United States in 2016. In 2021, Google must have surely increased its TV advertising budget. If traditional advertising was not considered important, why would Google be spending such a huge amount on traditional advertising?


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That question of yours is a million dollars question. Even google that is the giant advertising unit online still have to rely on traditional marketing to get to where they are today. look at the amount even spend on just marketing. That's a huge one there. this is to show that traditional marketing is still very much needed in the scheme of things even in this era. The fact that traditional marketing can be used everywhere even in the rural areas makes it even more endearing. So though online marketing tends to be trending now but traditional marketing can't be overlooked. it is still needed to grow a business


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1. Traditional marketing is still the best way to build a brand.
Marketing is all about building a brand, and traditional marketing can help you do that more effectively than any other method. It's not just about getting your name out there: it's about creating a consistent, recognizable brand that people feel connected to.

2. Traditional marketing is the most effective way to reach your target audience.
Traditional marketing allows you to tailor your message specifically to your target audience. You can't do that with digital ads or social media posts you have to rely on broad generalizations in order for them to reach as many people as possible. With traditional marketing, though, you're able to pinpoint exactly who you want to reach and deliver them with information they'll care about most (and be willing to pay attention). That's powerful.

3. Traditional marketing offers more control over your advertising budget than digital advertisements do.
Digital advertising can be difficult because there are so many different places where ads can appear online and sometimes they'll pop up at the wrong time or place, which means wasted money spent on something that doesn't actually get any results for you (or worse: negative results). It's hard enough trying to predict what the outcome will be