4 Easy Ways to Increase Height Fast at Home


1. Increase your intake of protein:

Your body is made up mostly of proteins. It helps you grow taller and makes you look more active by helping repair tissue, muscle and bone.

2. Eat more whole grains:

Whole grains contain fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer, helps lower cholesterol levels, and controls blood sugar levels. This will help you stay leaner so that you can keep growing!

3. Get enough sleep:

Sleep is vital to growth because it allows for proper protein synthesis in the body. Proper sleep also keeps the body from wasting energy through stress reactions like cortisol overproduction (which can block growth).

4. Include some sun exposure:

Sunlight triggers production of vitamin D in the skin which supports calcium absorption in the body as well as bone growth through vitamin D synthesis (which also supports calcium absorption). Vitamin D also helps get rid of excess calcium deposits around joints associated with osteoporosis, which increases height potential!