3 ways to make money at home with crypto-money


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#1 Hodling
Okay, the first method won't really make money in the short term, but it is by far the easiest way to make money with crypto-money. Hodling is a term used to buy and keep crypto-money until its value appreciates.

The panic caused by COVID-19 has caused the price of crypto-money to drop to historically low levels. This creates a window of opportunity for those who have considered buying for the first time. If you choose your corners wisely, you could get a considerable return on your investment once the crisis is over and the market recovers.

If you're not sure which corners to buy, check out its fundamental use case. What problem is it designed to solve? Will this solution be relevant in the months or even years to come? Another good sign is whether the founder of the corner is still heavily involved in the project.
#2 Crypto-money Staking
Staking your crypto is a great way to earn passive income because it also has the advantages of hodling. Proof-of-Stake was introduced as an alternative to Bitcoin's energy-intensive Proof-of-Work; the way the network is secured.

With this method, you keep the corners and wait for the price to change. But by keeping your corners in an online wallet 24/7, you better secure the blockchain and be rewarded with new corners for your participation.

Tezos (XTZ) may be worth studying if you are considering buying and betting on crypto-money. They offer a very interesting return on investment of 6% per year. Ethereum also introduces a PoS consensus and there are many others like Dash, Neo and Qtum.
#3 Masternode
It is very easy to become a Masternode and earn crypto-money for corners that use this system. To do so, you just need to use your computer to store a complete record of the blockchain in real time. There are some very popular corners that use masternodes to secure their network. This can also be very fun and exciting, as participants often have the opportunity to vote on how the blockchain will be developed.

Dash is probably the best known crypto-cash that uses masternodes. There is also PIVX, a privacy-based corner developed and licensed by MIT.