3 Reasons to work while still schooling


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School is financially demanding and you know that it is expensive to enroll in a college. So you would need to help yourself to have it a lot easier when in school. Having it easier will be to have money because when it comes to schooling a lot of things center around money. if you want to avoid being frustrated then it is good to always source for money. So why do you have to work while schooling.

1.Boost your financial capability: This is first outstanding reason as already discussed above. You would be doing yourself a world of good if you can make out time to be doing a little job even on a part time basis to have extra money.

2 Preparing yourself for the world of work; When you work while schooling you are doing yourself a lot of good as you are preparing yourself to fit into the world of work immediately after school. While others would just be novices on their first day at work. You would be starting out as a professional as you have been there and done that.

3.Got the experience; Works that demand years of experience wouldn't pass you by as you would able to grab them as you have worked for years while schooling so you have the experience.

Do you work while schooling?
Just answer me this question: Do you want to work in menial jobs and receive low salary, or work in high paying jobs? I am sure you chose the second option. Now answer another question. What do you need in order to work in high-paying jobs? You need knowledge and skills. How do you get knowledge and skills? Well, you build your knowledge and skills through education and training. If you started working when you are still at school would you be able to devote your time to studying and building your knowledge and skills? I guess you know the answer. If you want to build a solid career, you need a solid foundation. You can build a solid foundation only when you devote yourself to education and training. You cannot work and study at the same time and excel in both areas, you need to choose one and I suggest you choose education.
This is like different strokes for different folks what you termed impossible is very possible with others. I was working while schooling and a lot of my course mates did same and we still excel in our studies. it was even a boost for us and helps us navigate the saturated employment market better. Working and schooling gave us the edge in a country that emphasizes so much on years of experience which my country happens to be one of such. So you can, maybe because you never tried it isn't impossible it is doable.

Even students in develoed countries do it because I read alot about how the combined schooling and working. Like every other things in life you would need to scheduled a lot of things to suit your major events which is your work and school.

You need to look at the benegits of doing this two at the same time as I have listed above and see if they make sense to you . if they do then there's nothing wrong with picking up that job that's available to you. You can juggle it if you set your mind to achieve just that.
I was very fortunate. I received a financial aid package. Part of that package included a College Work-Study Program. I got a part-time working in the university's financial aid office. I worked there for the entire 4 years.

The most important feature of that program was that the employer did not interfere with your efforts to complete your degree program. On the contrary, they worked with you and supported you. When I was ready to graduate I got another surprise. My supervisor at the office said she would be happy to be reference for my potential employers. DUH! It didn't occur to me that when I wen to apply for job, they would ask for references. So not only did I gain good work experience while pursuing my degree, but I ended up with a good reference.

So I would say yes! There are good reasons to work while still going to college or university.

But I would also say IF your employer does not try to support or encourage your educational aspirations, QUIT! They're interfering with your future.
Your last paragraph is apt it is good to always work with an employer that have your best interest at heart so that you can achieve your personal goals even as you work and have good grades at your studies too.Yesh I agree with you no one should interfere negatively on the others destinies.

Sure, the benefits that comes with working while schooling are enormous and you can't beat the experience too because it is priceless. You would never have such experience again because it's comes once in one's lifetime so it is an opportunity to grab whenever it' presents itself. Like the benefit of getting a strong reference I forhot to add that to my original post but it is a fact

I had the same experience with my first ever job after graduation. I had used my former boss as my reference and I have granted the job because the new firm knew I must have so much from my former boss who he knew was a great teacher that does direct his employees right. So I didn't even need to be in the job seeking market fir me because of his reference of mine which I had while working and schooling then
These are very good reasons to work while still schooling. They are very valid points indeed because those are things that exactly happens when you are working while still schooling. I wish I was told about all this while I was a student. Personally, I never valued working while I was in campus.

That benefit of gaining experience and building your skills is really great. Indeed you finish school having gained enough skills and knowledge about workplaces. That way, it becomes so easy for you to transform from school life to work life. Plus you will have so much experience already on your CV that will boost your marketability in the employment market.

Then you earn money which helps you to boost your financial stability while studying. This enables you to steer clear from loans that seem to affect so many students yet they have not gained any financial stability just yet.

Moreover, students who have part time jobs seem to spend their time better than those who idle during their free time. This is because they have to balance between work and studies, this makes them really great time managers. They also stay away from habits that are not so great like use of drugs that affects so many students.
You made a lot of sense with your last paragraph and it is the truth because I can totally relate. Look at students that are in the cult and causing nuisance in schools you would realize that it is mostly students that are always idle after studies. If you have a job to attain to after studies you would just run off to go work because you don't have that time to spend idling away when you can make money. So this is one typical benefit of doing both. You wouldn't have the time to indulge in unprofitable things.

Yeah in a country that needs experienced hands to hire all the time it is good to work while still in school, you wouldn't only have money for your educational pursuit which the cost is high in my country you would have the years of experience that some enploers insist on. An employer would quickly hire one with years of experience than one with that's a total novice even with a higher grades. Why? because we all know that school might not have given you the needed experience to tackle real jobs so you are inexperienced about workplace situations unlike one with some years of experience.
School is financially demanding and you know that it is expensive to enroll in a college. So you would need to help yourself to have it a lot easier when in school. Having it easier will be to have money because when it comes to schooling a lot of things center around money. if you want to avoid being frustrated then it is good to always source for money. So why do you have to work while schooling.

1.Boost your financial capability: This is first outstanding reason as already discussed above. You would be doing yourself a world of good if you can make out time to be doing a little job even on a part time basis to have extra money.

2 Preparing yourself for the world of work; When you work while schooling you are doing yourself a lot of good as you are preparing yourself to fit into the world of work immediately after school. While others would just be novices on their first day at work. You would be starting out as a professional as you have been there and done that.

3.Got the experience; Works that demand years of experience wouldn't pass you by as you would able to grab them as you have worked for years while schooling so you have the experience.

Do you work while schooling?
Let me to add something differently. There was a friend of mine in my childhood. He was so enthusiast on business that he started his business in school itself. He brought so many fruits into the school but not for give it to friends, it is for selling. Now he is the one of the richest one in the town, owing several retails, buses and several business.
There are many advantages to have a side work while at the same time schooling, though combining both might have great side effect or negative impact on the other if the available time is not well apportioned between the time for schooling and work. The following might be the reasons while must people prefer to work while schooling;
People decide to work while schooling because of the profit or income they will be deriving from the work or job. Money is one of the motivating factors that drive most people to go for Mimi job in order to earn income or for profit motive.
Another reason why some people work whole schooling might be due to lack of sponsor. Some people actually hustle to survive on their own and work to sponsor themselves in school. For people like that they will have to engaged themselves in one or different works to assist in sponsoring them in their academic pursuits.
Another good reason is passion for both schooling and working together, there are some people who ordinary have passion for things like that and because they have the capacity to do both together it became very easy for them to do. Not all person have the capacity to do both together.
Two out of three is the most important. A lot of people over here are working just to have some money in their hand as this will reduce the stress of asking their parents to everything they are interested. I also prefer to work if there is a chance for that. . Mostly if I am schooling I will always look for the best opportunity to work online as I will have time to attend to my academic needs. Working online may not likely be a source of distraction to your learning since you can organise and work on spare time.

So many people are also working for experience, for now all government University are on strike and this is the best time for people to work , not really to make money but also for experienced since experience is one of the things that is needed before getting employed into any organisation . This would help you.im do many ways
There are many reasons why you might want to consider working while you're still in school. For one, it can help you cover the costs of your education. But working while you're still in school can also provide you with valuable experience and skills that can help you in your future career.

Here are some of the top reasons to work while you're still in school:

1. To offset the costs of your education

One of the main reasons to work while you're in school is to offset the costs of your education. Many students rely on loans and financial aid to pay for their schooling, and working can help you reduce your reliance on these forms of assistance.

2. To gain valuable experience

Working while you're in school can also provide you with valuable experience. This experience can help you in your future career, whether you're looking to land your first job or advance to a higher-level position.

3. To develop new skills

Working while you're in school can also be a great way to develop new skills. Whether you're learning how to manage a team or developing your customer service skills, the experiences you gain while working can be valuable in your future career.

4. To make connections

Another reason to work while you're in school is to make connections. The connections you make while working can be valuable as you move forward in your career. You may meet people who can help you get a job or offer advice and mentorship.

5. To gain independence

Working while you're in school can also help you gain independence. If you're working while living at home, you can start to establish yourself as an independent adult.