
  1. raaman

    Money Saving ideas

    Money Saving ideas. You could save money by cooking fresh at home rather than buying packaged meals from outside. Alternatively, you may go to shop at thrift or cheap stores instead of buying new clothes every time. Finally, another effective way to save is simply becoming more conscious of...
  2. Mataracy

    Business Ideas Why did you think investment is necessary?

    Sometimes many people do think that until when you have huge money before you can invest it. Remember there is a saying that; it's a small drop of water that become a pool of rivers' it's just a matter of time. Investment can be in form of buying shares,bound,gold and some other things. If one...
  3. Yusra3

    4 Ways How To Make Money Without A Job

    Are you looking for ways to make money without a job? If so, you're in luck. There are many ways to make money without a traditional 9-5 job. In this Article, I will share 4 of the best ways to make money without a job. These include freelancing, investing, network marketing and day trading...
  4. Mataracy

    How important is communication in business?

    Sometimes I do find it difficult to interact with some business men who can not speak the universal language which is English. I don't know may be some of you had find it difficult like I do to. Sometimes when I get to the market to buy things I will firstly speak my dialect to the seller...
  5. Mataracy

    What Drives sales in the Market?

    At times people especially some sellers do not fill concern about what drives sales in the market so far they are making sales. As a good business man one just need to be cognisance about this in order to monitor their progress and loss. The main sales drive is Demand, Supply ...
  6. Mataracy

    How Can one dealt with stubborn Customer and yet not affecting Business Negatively?

    I know that people do says that; customers are always right and this has made some customer to be taken the sellers for granted by doing what is not okay to them. Do you think this is right and his can one handle them in such way that it will not affect the business negatively? As will...
  7. nancy

    NASTY Instagram method

    So I recently discovered this kid on Instagram. His business model seemed fascinating to me because it's almost like a mini pyramid-scheme. I did some investigating, and he is essentially pumping up his clients with fake followers and throwing them into an engagement group containing other...
  8. Good-Guy

    Business Ideas What Are Some Great Tips To Start A Woodworking Business?

    Woodworking business refers to importing woods or using local woods to manufacture wood products like furniture and some other craft work. Woodworking is one of the biggest and one of the most lucrative businesses out there in the world. In fact, woodworking is a big industry that involves...
  9. D

    Keep Tabs On Your Ideas, Always

    Bloggers' most typical rookie mistake is to scribble down their ideas and thoughts in several places. This takes up a lot of your time because you spend half of your time looking at the areas where you usually save your ideas when you want to organize your thoughts and work more on the ideas you...