Do You Spend Recklessly?


Verified member
There are a lot of people who do not have a good spending habit and I think it is because they are not working for money because I don't think anyone who is working hard for money will just spend money recklessly after you know how stressful it is to make money.

I used to be a reckless spender but I stopped being a reckless spender ever since I started working for money because I realised how stressful it is to make money everyday so I just started making budget for every amount of money that I will be spending each week.

What about you?


Active member
The only moment to spend money recklessly is weeding because this arrives once a year and future husband and wife generally will not marry 10 times in a life and you have not to be punny saver even working hard for your money.


It is true that certain individuals suffer with irresponsible buying habits for just a variety of reasons, including a lack of expertise in finance, emotive spending, or just not establishing a budget.

Creating and sticking to a budget can be an effective method to reduce excessive spending. It is critical to keep track of your costs and prioritize your spending based on your requirements against your wants. Setting financial objectives and devising a plan to accomplish them may also be beneficial.

It's important to keep in mind that developing excellent personal finances is a continuous process that may take some time. But, with determination and discipline, it is possible to have a positive connection with wealth and greatly increase financial well-being.


Valued Contributor
The only moment to spend money recklessly is weeding because this arrives once a year and future husband and wife generally will not marry 10 times in a life and you have not to be punny saver even working hard for your money.
You don't even need to spend recklessly on weddings because there is a life to live after the wedding. The money that is spent recklessly on weddings can be channeled into building an investment that would pay off for the family in the long run.

Wedding is just a single day event and you don't need to mortgage your future for just a single day event. I always advise people not to pressure themselves on wedding expenses. Financial problems would make that marriage tiring for you in the long run if you spend the money you should invest on organizing a lavish wedding.


Spending recklessly is prohibited by Almighty Allah in the holy book Qur'an. If God is even against this act ,it shows nothing will ever be able to make it good for us as human beings.

A normal person that works deligently for 30days and received his or her salary can never spend lavishly. In our society now some people recognize so called Yahoo Yahoo, scammers, 419, or spiv because you see them spending recklessly.

Thank God for the help of Economic financial Crime commission EFCC, the reckless spending is reducing now..