Consequences of not engaging in exercise


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if you did not engage in exercise regularly it will make your hearts to become less efficient because exercise help us to keep the heart pumping and active so by doing aerobic and cardio exercise regularly it will help us to keep our heart rate in good health and also reduces the risk of developing some heart ailmentsso you did not engage in exercise for a long period of time you can start to experience like heart functioning problem and if you did not get in exercise is also causes your muscle to weaken done because exercise play an important role in keeping our muscle cell in good health and also help to strengthen them so when you did not do any exercise or move around as you reduce your muscle strength which will make you to feel more weaker and you will also not be able to sleep well because exercise is an important link when you want to have a good quality sleep when you work out in an intense manner it gives you the chance to enjoy a good sleep and also to wake up and feel energized so it is important for us to make sure that we engage in exercise
Exercise is very important to our human body.
It plays a really vital role in our body.

Exercise is a process of engaging one's self in activities that will help enhance one's physical ability to move quickly and easily.

This could be: BRISK WALK.
Brisk walk is a type of walk that is a little faster than strolling.

✓ PUSH UPS: Push ups are very essential for muscular strength.

Plank assists in the spinal cord as well as the lap bones to be straightened and flexible.

Frequent exercise boosts your endurance, as well as increasing muscular capabilities, it reduces excessive weight, and also help boost the immune system of an individual.

It also scare away high blood pressure,cancer, obesity.

If a person refrain from engaging his or her self from exercising the body,there are likely to be some effects and challenges he or she will face.

✓ He or she may be liable to suffer from heart disease, cancer,e.t.c.

✓ Might experience depression often times.

This is a point that weighs people down,that they gets unnecessarily confused on what to do whenever this occurs. But exercise can serve as a remedy to that.

✓May suffer from stroke.
✓ Inability to endure.

✓May lead to obesity.
✓One might get older quickly and get un-usually weak.
You are right exercise has always been a medium through which millions of people have used to keep themselves fit for years, it's quite unfortunate that in this part of the world we do not pay much attention to exercising as we ought to be doing. So for this reason we have not really tapped into the health benefits of exercising. I remember back then in school we normally have a special day set aside for exercising we call it the physical health day, all the students will go on the field to carry out various type of exercise it was fun and also beneficial to our health. I think government should create more avenue for people to engage in exercising.
I think more awareness should be made on the importance of exercise to not just our physical body, but also our mental wellbeing. Recently I have started making exercise as a daily part of my morning rituals. Though there are some days am just extremely tired to even do on, but I try to make it a habit to do it once as much as I can.
Exercise is any movement that works your body at a greater intensity than your usual level of daily activity. Your aim should be to gradually increase your activity levels over time. It is very good to the health when you get engaged in physical activities. Unfortunately, this lack of activity can affect your health in a profoundly negative way.

If you don't exercise, you may have difficulty controlling your weight, you add up pounds, and you can even get obese when you eat always and relax without any physical activity. If you don't exercise, your risk of certain types of cancer increases, according to findings regular exercise appears to be associated with a decreased risk of cancer.

Physical exercise boosts metabolism and lowers blood pressure, leading to decreased chances of developing hypertension and cardiac disease. according to science, moderate physical activity prevents the cells from aging.
Physical activity is known to be one of the best cures for excessive stress and anxiety.

If you aren't that good with exercise, just do the little you can, with stamina you have a slower more powerful heartbeat and will be able to cope more easily with prolonged or heavy exercise. Thousands and thousands of deaths occur each year due to a lack of regular physical activity.
If you don't exercise, you may have difficulty controlling your weight, you add up pounds, and you can even get obese when you eat always and relax without any physical activity. If you don't exercise, your risk of certain types of cancer increases, according to findings regular exercise appears to be associated with a decreased risk of cancer.
Yes, you are right. If you become lazy all the time then it may lead to depression or anxiety and may also to cancer. So you should keep working or doing the exercises. Or if you don't have anything to do and you still feel that depression overcomes you, then must start taking therapy sessions. I should recommend taking sessions from the RoyalVibe Health therapy center. They have the best therapist all across the United States.
Exercise is very important for your body. It comes with so many benefits and lack of it makes you so vulnerable to many health problems and condition. One of which is that it predisposes you to so many diseases. You find that lack of physical exercise is a modifiable causative factor for most diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

Without physical activity, your mental health tends to be so poor too. You will find that you are more cranky and prone to negative thoughts due to fatigue and laziness. But once you engage your body to some exercise, you find that you are thinking more clearly and you are happier.

It is great to learn that physical activity helps a lot with your heart. Since it is involved in pumping blood, exercise helps it a lot. This is your heart pumps faster when you exercise, that way it is more like you have exercised it.

During exercise, you also breath faster. These helps your respiratory system a lot. It enables your lungs to expand and contract effectively and you take in enough air during this time. Exercise also helps reduce any fats that could hinder your heart from pumping well or your respiratory system from doing it's work well.