Consequences of not being an entrepreneur


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In the dynamic world today , it is of immense importance to become an entrepreneur as it's come with a lot of benefits for those practicing. but if you prefer your 9-5 jobs you are not wrong but you are not enjoying certain things

The consequences of this includes;

Lack of freedom and flexibility
Working for another deprived of the privilege of enjoying great freedom and flexibility to determine how you work. You can't choose your own working hours or decide when and howv you want to work. You are under supervision, control and management of another person

No potential to earn a lot of money

Without entrepreneurship you can't make e a lot of money as you would be paid a fixed salary and you get stuck with that for years. So financial growth becomes limited with working for another

Can't follow your passion

Entrepreneurship offers one the opportunity to work on only have passion for. But it will be thwarted when one is no entrepreneur. you would be stuck with another work ideas and thoughts

Can't impact others positively

Working for others can give you the opportunity to impact or improve others. You can't provide a solution that can helps with world problems

Can't develop varieties of skills

Being an entrepreneur will instigate you to learn different skills to manage a business but it will not be same when you are not