Where do you keep your insurance policies?


Active member
When it comes to your Insurance Policies, you should always let someone you trust hold it for you or let them know where you keep them so that when something happens, it's easy to find.

There are cases that I'm aware of where the insurance benefits can't be claimed because the Insurance Policy is missing, that happened to my friend, his dad died and they knew that he has several policies but they couldnt find it.
Honestly, I really do not understand what you meant by where do one keep his or her insurance policies. Obviously that is the work of insurer, of course, it is not expected to be kept in a bank or your house. The best for the client to keep it is definitely with the insurance company
Yeah I think most people even go ahead and keep it in the bank , so that the documents won't loss and they would be denied of any compensation that might likely take place , so to avoid such they would prefer to do their best to keep the documents too