Finance Want to start a business; how to get investors for your business


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Funding has always been a barrier for so many intending entrepreneurs. And funding is the bedrock of every business, how do you overcome this threshold of funding and see that your business idea coming to life.
I must say many business are still in the mental bank of their owners and haven't seen light because of lack of funds, but we can always overcome every obstacle with the right ideas and knowing who to talk to about your business idea.
Many would say no one is willing to invest their hard earned money into a business they are not even sure of, but talking to the right people, having good mentors(very important) who believe in your dreams and see your goals too would help you overcome the threshold of funding and investors for your business ideas.
To find investors attention you have to show them a successful business plan how can your venture be profit-making and by what ways can it grow. The use of professional circles and organizations of entrepreneurs is one of the best ways to build a smart contacts list. Worldpitch in events and pitch contests. Take advantage of crowdfunding sites to procure the initial money required. If you are in the beginning stage, try to reach out to angel investor groups or VC fund within the respective niche/field of your startup. Be creative and develop a presently persuasive pitch deck that outlines your unique proposition, target market, financial forecasts, and funds use strategy. Having acquired a reputation and a basis for growth will strengthen your efforts in the competition for investors.