The Truth About The Labor Participation Rate For Women


VIP Contributor
One of the most pervasive myths regarding women's labour force participation is that it is rising. This is not true. In fact, it's actually decreasing. but that's not what we're talking about here.

The labor participation rate for women. the percentage of women ages 15 to 64 who are working or looking for work has been steadily declining since 1990. This has become more apparent since the Great Recession, when economic downturns tend to have a greater impact on women than men.

Women tend to take longer breaks from work after having children or taking time off from school and family responsibilities, which makes them less likely to go back to work once they do return. Women also tend to work in lower-paying industries than men, so they are less likely to be able to afford an expensive house or expensive car because they don't earn enough money. As a result, they have fewer opportunities for advancement in their careers and less flexibility in terms of being able to leave their jobs if necessary (which often requires leaving one's home). And finally, because the pay gap between men and women persists throughout this entire period of time, women have fewer opportunities overall.