The role of frugality in student savings


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Frugality is a concept that is frequently linked with being cheap or stingy, but it can also be a very valuable tool for students who are trying to save money. In fact, the role of frugality in student savings cannot be overstated. By being mindful of expenses and finding ways to cut costs, students can stretch their budgets further and achieve their financial goals more quickly.

Frugality has several advantages, one of which is that it can save students money on unneeded expenses. Students who carefully consider each purchase they make can spot areas where they could be overspending and adjust their spending habits. For example, a student who regularly buys expensive coffee drinks could save a significant amount of money by investing in a reusable travel mug and brewing their own coffee at home. Similarly, a student who regularly eats out at restaurants could save money by cooking meals at home or packing lunches to bring to campus.

Students who are frugal can also adopt sound financial practices that will benefit them once they leave school. Students can prepare themselves for long-term financial success by learning to live within their means and avoid debt. While doing so could require some short-term sacrifices, the long-term rewards could be substantial.

Frugality can also help students in saving money by developing their resourcefulness and creativity. For instance, students can save money by renting or buying old textbooks rather than purchasing brand-new ones every semester. Also, they can benefit from the free amenities offered on campus including tutoring, study clubs, and the library.

Finally, frugality can help students build a sense of independence and self-reliance. By learning to manage their own finances and make smart financial decisions, students can gain a sense of control over their lives and feel more confident in their ability to handle whatever challenges come their way.


Active member
Frugality as you have said is a way and manner of controlling ones expenses in the scheme of things. It allows student to be spending based on budgeting and budgetary control. It is a basis towards having a balanced manner of economy.

It allows the student to be operating based on Scale of preference . The scale of preference is the list of good and services according to the manner in which they are needed.

By being frugal, the person will have a deep thinking even before deciding on whether to spend the money on that transaction or not.

Being Frugal will serve as a means of achieving opportunity cost. That is the alternative forgone for taking or not taking a particular transaction.

It helps to save cost and time as money and time are very crucial and valuable.