The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Business Success

King bell

VIP Contributor
Business success is greatly influenced by emotional intelligence (EI). This involves recognizing, understanding and controlling emotions in oneself and others. Emotional intelligence (EI) contributes to business success in the following manner:

1. Improved interpersonal relationships: People with a high level of emotional intelligence or empathy can deal with colleagues, clients and other partners successfully. They are sympathetic to others’ feelings; they speak well and work together effectively leading to more professional relationships, trustful bonding and teamwork.

2. Effective leadership: Leaders that possess a high degree of emotional intelligence are excellent motivators, influencers and inspirers. They have good interpersonal skills which enable them to create an enabling work environment for collaboration leading to productivity. Additionally, they are skillful at handling conflicts as well as solving disputes thus bringing about harmonious working relations.

3. Better decision-making: Through emotional intelligence people can make informed choices or decisions that are logical. By recognizing their emotions in themselves they will be less likely forced into making impulsive or biased decisions.
The opposite of emotional intelligence is being erratic and that is one of the lowest levels to approach and run a business. Emotional intelligence would prevent you from taking personal challenges out on his or her employees. Emotional intelligence allows you to approach challenging situations carefully and craft a way out for it.

I have worked with a boss that has displayed a high level of emotional intelligence and one thing that helped him with is that he could retain his staff for a long while. The lack of emotional intelligence can create a toxic work environment.
Emotional intelligence is a skill in business that drives success. There are so many good things that happen to you and your business if you are able to control your emotions. For one, you will relate well with both the workers and customers.

Secondly, you will be better at making decisions as you are not driven by anger, greed or other strong desires and feelings. You can therefore make choices that drive your business to the sky.

Lastly, holding partnerships and other activities become easier when you are emotionally stable. You will be able to expand your business highly since you know how to negotiate wisely and make connections that improve business.
For any business to thrive, one must be very particular about emotions and how to manage as it pertains to business. The way and manner you approach business with customers differs from the way you approach business with your business associate(s). One must create a balance and ensure that things does not fall apart while relating with both the former or the later.