How to Save Money in College ?


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College is expensive, but students can take steps to reduce costs and save money:

Live Off-Campus

Sharing an apartment with roommates often costs much less than dorms. Also helps avoid pricy meal plans.

Buy Used Textbooks

Used books are discounted up to 90% compared to new. Rentals and ebooks also save substantially.

Take Public Transit

Using on-campus and city buses and trains saves the expense of a car and parking fees.

Limit Food Delivery

Cooking your own meals saves significantly over takeout and delivery every meal.

Split Supplies

Share mini fridges, printers, and other dorm supplies with a roommate to cut costs.

Sell Unused Items

Old electronics, furniture and clothes can be sold online for extra cash.

Leverage Student Discounts

Take advantage of student admission prices, software deals and travel discounts.

Apply for Scholarships

Even small scholarships add up and reduce student loan amounts.

Work Part-Time

Earn extra money for expenses and reduce need for loans.

With smart spending habits and resourcefulness, students can get through college without incurring overwhelming debt. Saving money takes discipline but pays off long after graduation.