How to deal with the risk involved in cryptocurrency investment?


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Volatility is a very significant risk that is associated with cryptocurrency investment . This is why it is important to understand that price of cryptocurrency is subjected to fluctuations because the market is very unpredictable due to sharp movements.

Investors should be very prepared for this type of price swings and most also know that the possibilities of losses are very high especially in the highly speculative market like cryptocurrencies. The security and the risk of hacking is very high and it's a threat to cryptocurrency exchanges wallet and some other digital assets. This is why investors should take security measures very seriously whenever they want to go into cryptocurrency investment. This could be done by using reputable exchanges and implementing strong passwords and also storing their assets in cold storage wallet.
Most times when I can’t make informed decisions due to these high fluctuations I stick to either imploring copy trading features on bitget . Which personally I think it’s profitable for me because I get to pay attentions to other things than sitting on chart all day
Most times when I can’t make informed decisions due to these high fluctuations I stick to either imploring copy trading features on bitget . Which personally I think it’s profitable for me because I get to pay attentions to other things than sitting on chart all day
IIt also comes with several risks. Like, if you're copying some elit traders who aren't good at their work then you'll be nuked badly. That's where comes proper research,yup Bitget is best at their Copy Trading feature but we have to do our thorough research first .
Cryptocurrency is not a joke. If you want to make money through it, you must make enough findings and never stop, be on trend. Do not let your emotions becloud your judgement because when it does you will lose significantly. You must have enough money to and it's okay to lose reasonable sometimes but don't quit because of one or two loses. It's very profitable for those that can stay long in the process. I tried something on this but I was not in for long before I backed off.