Why you should not work overtime


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There are many reasons why you should not work overtime, and here are just a few:

-It can be dangerous. Working long hours is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and depression.

-It will take away from your family life. You won't have time to spend with your family if you're working overtime, which means you'll be missing out on valuable time that could be spent bonding with your loved ones.

-It will make you unhealthy. If you're working long hours, it's likely that you'll be eating at fast food restaurants or skipping meals altogether because there isn't time to eat properly. This can lead to weight gain and other health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

-It will affect your productivity at work. When people work long hours they tend to make more mistakes than people who only work eight hours per day or less because fatigue affects their ability to focus on their tasks effectively which means they aren't doing their best work for their employers which could result in lower profits for them too.
Anything, when done excessively becomes detrimental in nature. However if the need arises, one can work overtime to meet deadlines and get work done.

I do agree with the implications of working overtime though, especially health and social implications. Whenever you force your body to go beyond it's limit and that abuse becomes constant, it will chose its own time to request for rest which may not be conducive.

The long term effects on health are even less desirable than short term ones.

Another thing that I've seen suffer is family, especially when it comes to women who have kids. The children become neglected and such negligence shows its effects only when they have grown up.

However, working overtime can help a business and can be done when necessary. It would just be important to consider the payment for hours put in, and it should be ensured that the working environment is conducive for whoever wants to do such.
The poster is not far from the truth. There are some people that are found of doing overwork at their workplace. No matter the advantages, we should always try our best to make sure that we don't work ourselves out.

People that over work always look older than their age. This is because just like other gadgets that we have, people as well have their limitations to which they can work. The best thing to save one's health is to make sure that we always work based on the number of hours we can tolerate.

The other reason why people should not work overtime had really been hit by the poster. There are many that have left their families just for work. This is always saddens as one will just need to imagine why will someone just leave his families for work. But will you blame him?.

Most people that do work overtime are seeing as unserious people that couldn't finish the attached tasks and therefore needs to complete their tasks before they close for the days. This always boils down to the fact that we need to make sure to complete our tasks instead of over working ourselves hereby falling sick.
You are right @Holicent . Many people rely on overtime to make ends meet. But is it really worth it? While you may be willing to work extra hours for the sake of your family or your career, there are many reasons why you should not work overtime. Here are just a few:

-You'll lose focus: When you work overtime, you're likely going to be tired and stressed. This means that your productivity will drop and your ability to focus and think clearly will decline. In fact, one study showed that workers who worked longer than 40 hours per week were more likely to make errors in their job performance, and those errors were almost always due to lack of focus.

-You'll burn out faster: Working too much can lead to burnout and fatigue, which can negatively impact your mental health and well-being. You might also experience signs of physical exhaustion such as headaches, muscle pain, and decreased energy levels.

-You'll be less productive: Working overtime can actually reduce output rather than increase it! When we're tired or stressed out, we tend not to work as efficiently as we do when we're rested and relaxed, and this is especially true when we're doing something repetitive like data entry.
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