Why you should engage in exercise always


VIP Contributor
Exercise has so many health benefit and one of the reason why we are to engage in exercise is to maintain our overall health and keep it in good shape and condition, olders and elderly people are always advised engage in certain exercise as this can help to improve their health, bone density and help improve the strength of the heart as well. Belows are the reasons why we are always advise to engage in exercises.

* One of the main functions of exercise is to help strengthen and improve our bones density. As people grow older there is always a decrease and depreciation in the mass and strength of their bones but with regular exercise they can be able to maintain and slow down the ageing process of bones in the body which can help improve strength and overall energy in an individual.

* Exercise can help in the general body function, when we engage in exercise it can lead to increase in heartbeat , this can help improve the activities of the heart which can help in blood circulation and flow of oxygen in the body. The results will keep the cells and all vitals organs on the body oxygenated.

* Exercise can help burns fats and keep the body in a required shape. There are numerous and some unknown benefit of exercise in the body and medically we are always advised to engage exercise because of it numerous benefits which some of the benefits are still unknown to us.


VIP Contributor
It is important to engage in exercise always because it keeps you healthy and fit. You will be able to avoid many diseases if you engage in exercise always. It controls your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and enhances your growth. There are many types of exercises that one can engage in. You can either go to the gym or play a sport with friends or even do some jogging outside the house. It is good to know that by engaging in exercise, you are actually giving your body what it needs the most. It is also important to note that everyone is different and so will their exercise routine be.

More than a few studies have shown that exercise can be an effective treatment for depression. It is almost as effective as antidepressants in mild to moderate depression, and can provide significant relief from symptoms of depression in those with severe depression. Exercise has also been shown to reduce stress levels, anxiety, and panic attacks. Exercise also provides other benefits, such as improved sleep quality, increased self-confidence, better self-esteem, and higher energy levels. In addition to these mental health benefits, exercise has been shown to improve cardiovascular health. This is a proof that exercise is not just good for the body, but the mind as well.


VIP Contributor
Exercise is very good according to what you had said. When you are doing exercise very well you heart will be functioning well and one will be healthy . Another thing is that one will not be getting sick all the time. It also good for those people that are fat to be doing it because it will make them to loose weight and be able to walk smartly and be healthy.


VIP Contributor
The morning exercise is part of my habit. When I wake up I would go directly to the bathroom for my morning ritual and afterwards I would be ready for my exercise. After some bending and stretching I would be doing the push ups of 40 reps although when I lack sleep on the previous night I would do less reps for the push up. The next part of my exercise is the use of the hand grip exerciser. I press the exerciser up to 50 times. That is for the left and right hands and in different directions. When I go out to the front yard I would do some jumping exercises just to have a sweat. Basically that exercise regimen takes just less than 10 minutes. It is enough for me although for the younger generation you can add more items. Before I forget, the exercise also stirs my appetite for the breakfast.


Verified member
According to what you have said so far, exercise is also helped us to replaced our lost cells because according to WHO we have about 30 trillions in our body system and we meant to burned millions everyday due to daily activities we engaged our self too. Imaging as adult in tired zone continues exhausting cells would later become sick.

Its only exercise would help the such a person to replenish the Lost cells. But we have net net this aspect of exercise that is why some people become sick.

Exercise also boost our sexual part of life in term of libido and sexual performance and increase sperms count. It will also help to last longer in bed.

Generally speaking it will help to reduce excessive weight gain and obesity but the problem is people with overweight find it difficult to exercise them self.


Active member
Excercise is the crucial part of our life because it is the way through which we can maintain our body health and fitness. There are many benefits of daily excercise. The most important benefit is that it provides strength to our heart especially for blood pressure patients it helps to normalize the blood pressure. Doctors always suggest their blood pressure ,diabetic or heart patients to do daily excercise because through this your blood circulation will be good and oxygen equally transport to all parts of body.


VIP Contributor
Majority of people have the debunked and untrue thinking that exercising is only meant for people who are looking for ways to reduce weight or burn excessive fat accumulated in wrong places or areas of their body . This is actually untrue because exercising is meant for everyone . to exercise does not mean that you must sleep in the gym day and night training and putting your body through stress , absolutely no ! That is not what exercise means but to exercise you must devote a considerable and positive amount of your time to have a regular exercise activity routine . it is one thing to exercise and also it is another thing to keep to exercise routine if at all you want to see changes and enhancements in your body .

Exercise does not only improve our physical enhancement and changes it is also important for breaking down metabolism and passing out west matter easily and properly . Exercising reduce an individual's potential to be struck with any heart-related health issues and disease . Finally , an individual's potential to live more longer can also be improved by regular exercising , this is due to the fact that the cell that makes of the individual's immune system is strong an agile to combat various disease , illness , and sicknesses that an individual may possibly suffer from .

Maria Javed

Active member
Exercise is very important for us. Heart diseases are rampant now a days and you need to exercise regularly to get rid of it. I think exercise is one of the key for good health Exercise proves to be very useful for different types of diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases or heart attacks and high cholesterol and diabetes . We do exercise to maintain our health and fitness . People who exercise always stay healthy and fit. We have heard many phrases in our childhood "health is wealth" that means health is more important than wealth. Exercise will also allow us to lose weight. There is a variety of exercises like jumping, jogging, push_ups, walking, cycling and others more. Exercise provide us with nutrients and oxygen. Benefits of exercise are below.
1. We get a good night's sleep. Exercise helps us to sleep better.
2. When we engage in exercise we need more energy because when we do exercise there is a decrease in oxygen in our body. So we need more energy.
3. Exercise helps us to stay active.
4. Improving in your mental health.
5. Exercise gives you mind relaxation.
6. People who have diabetes and use insulin to lower their blood sugar level exercise can benefit them.


VIP Contributor
No one will underestimate the function of exercise. Exercise is not only good for the physical effect but also it is good for the mental and chemical effects of the body. But unfortunately, most people don't do exercise or even do it with the aim to develop their muscles alone.

Exercise aids mental reasoning. It is not an understatement to conclude that people that exercise are always sharper than the ones that do not. When we exercise, the brain will always be at alert and we will reason more than the ones that we do not exercise.

Exercise aids physical body. Apart from the fact that those that exercise always will have muscular bodies, they will look fit if compare to those that do not exercise. Even at the age of 60, you will still be able to notice the effects of exercise on the person.

Exercise burns fats. Just like someone said, exercise burns excess fats. It is always recommended by the doctors and other medical practitioners for some that are obese. When we exercise regularly, there will natural burning of fats.

We cannot exhaust the importance of exercise. And we should always have the habit of doing regular exercise at least weekly.


Active member
Exercise is energetic physical or mental effort, usually for health or betterment, it is an action that you do repeatedly to strengthen yourself or to get better at it. It very much important to engage in exercises daily because of the numerous health benefits it gives us.
Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. It improves mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress, it helps burn down calories and reduce excess weight. It plays a vital role in building and maintaining strong muscles and bones. It helps one to fall asleep faster, increase the duration of sleep, and also help one sleep more soundly throughout the night. It strengthens the heart and improves the circulation of blood. It increases blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body, this helps lower the risk of having heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack.

According to research, exercises help to prevent alot of diseases thereby reducing your risk of dying younger than you ought to. Exercises should be taken seriously and done at least for about 30mins daily.


Many people assume exercise is only ment for does looking for a way to burn fat or to maintain their body statue, but in reality every body needs it. Daily workouts helps keep the body healthy and active. It helps in terms of blood circulation, and also prevents certain body pains.


New member
Regular physical activity is great for your mind and body. It packs the following benefits:
  • Better health: When you exercise regularly, you burn more calories and can manage or prevent better weight-related illnesses such as arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and many more

  • It gives your mood lift off: A work or school routine can sap you dry. Putting in a quick session at the gym or taking part in sports stimulates the production of happy hormones, or endorphins, that can make you feel better about a stressful day.

  • More energy to power through the day: With regular physical activity, you’ll build up endurance and muscle strength. Cardiovascular function improves as well and you’ll be more energetic during the day.
Also, if you struggle to get some shuteye, exercises can have you worn out when you hit the pillow, leading you to better and more restful slumber.


Valued Contributor
Exercise is very important in the life of everyone and possibly we can't really get the best out of our body if we don't engage in exercise because it has so many benefits , like helping in blood circulation just like the original poster has said

Personally I'd try as much as possible to engage in exercise at least two times a week and sometimes three depending and how busy I am.
However there are different type of exercise that must be done by anyone and the type of exercise that can be done by anyone will be determined by your age , gender, underlying illness and some other factors..

Older people are always advised to engage in mild exercise that will only help strengthen their body and keep it in good condition. It is only people between the ages of 20 and 45 that could engage in exercise that may involve muscle building.


Regular exercise offers numerous physical and mental health benefits, making it important to engage in exercise always. Here are some reasons why you should engage in exercise regularly:
  1. Improves cardiovascular health: Exercise helps to strengthen your heart and lungs, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  2. Enhances mood: Exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. It triggers the release of endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in the brain, leading to improved mental health.
  3. Boosts immunity: Regular exercise can help to boost your immune system, reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases and illnesses.
  4. Promotes weight loss: Exercise can help you lose weight by burning calories and building muscle. It also helps to increase your metabolism, leading to more efficient fat burning.
  5. Improves sleep quality: Regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality, helping you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  6. Increases energy levels: Exercise helps to improve circulation and oxygen flow in the body, leading to increased energy levels and reduced fatigue.
Overall, engaging in exercise regularly is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. It's recommended to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, along with strength training exercises.