Why You Need to Automate Your Small Business


VIP Contributor
You may not be financially capable to start a bug business but you surely desire to run a small business. Even when you are running a small business, it is not a small task. As a small business owner, you are on a limited budget to hire staff for specific tasks, therefore, you might have to play different roles, for example, you need to look into product development, business management, as well as sales and marketing at the same time. Your limited staff might have to put different hats to keep the things at the right place. However, the main question to address in this regard is how long will you be able to keep up without exhausting yourself and your staff?

According to research on small businesses, it was discovered that the issues small business owners face while running and managing a business is playing multiple roles in business management and operation. Interestingly, the small business owners also admitted that the technology also provides tools to grow their business without incurring extra spending. Technology will not only help to run the business with a small task but also save a lot of money in salary.

Therefore, if you are a small business owner and if you are still doing a lot of work manually, try to automate your business with technology, and spend time only on things where human intelligence is required.
There are tools and programs to automate your business. For example, you can use hootsuite to automate your social media promotion. By using this tool you can schedule your post on various social media posts so that you do not have to visit each and every social site to post.
I use hootsuite free version. Even the free version has a lot of use case as you can use 3 different social sites. Well, if you do not want to use a third party social media management tool most of the social sites have post schedulin option (I use this option on twitter and facebook), which you can try.